Wednesday, 1 August 2007

To make an award-winning advertising works is not easy

To make an award-winning advertising works is not easy, a proven commercial advertising is not easy, for a successful advertising even more difficult by the approach of final exams one day to find a communication arts teachers, he suddenly said to me, or to go in a row at the adfest called the International Advertising Festival. I think the international advertising festival, but as can be seen many outstanding advertising works, it will be very interesting, agreeing down. Starting the day to a row to quickly, in Bangkok Advertising Festival office workers to watch the truck moved countless works of the boxes aside, a variety of office supplies computer what, almost the entire company gave the evacuated. I began to feel that the advertising of the oncoming force is not small. Before, in my mind, an advertising almost to the concept of a photo exhibition, is not put a lot of advertising images affixed to the wall so that we view Kanma, since the ads are what the picture is well prepared, so many computer and office equipment, and so on. Now, come to think of the idea before it is really simple. The next day, tedious preparation work has officially begun. Early in the morning we went to the Convention Center, in the muggy auditorium Lane to thousands of advertising entries affixed stickers, then the shuttle thousands of square meters of the HKCEC by certain types and sequence of all the advertisements affixed to the walls of the exhibition hall. After one day at least everyone is running more than 000 km of it. There are various labels such as production, labeling, the Conference questionnaire prepared passes, commemorative T-shirt count such things. Things seem small, multiplied by the advertising tremendous size, workload very loud. So one day we all get down from the. So organizers night seafood dinner guests to size as compensation. The third day to finish the work I started to see the collated display advertising works, the first is a feeling it is too much! (It was later learned that 5,000 entries), there are Auditorium A series of eight works, I spent almost half an hour before reading one. Auditorium corridors to link the works of the count there are at least a few kilometers. But one look at advertising is so tired, but not read all the entries, I think a trip to the White Advertising Festival. So in the evening, I see dizziness, the absolute Scott said. It was not until the night when my whole body unable to lie on the bed when learned is indeed quite high, many very interesting to see the works. For me personally about can be divided into several levels : the do not understand how the advertising; Very plain ordinary advertising, not too many new ideas; very shocking picture, but people think of a theme and what ties; people feel that knowing smile very creative, very lovely images; one can understand it, they praise such arrangements are imaginative; a perplexing start, suddenly understand this will be the creative people think this is a must too. I found good advertising images, text and products to work closely together, as with the first people will feel Photo interesting to see the Record feel that the text is finishing touch. to see products feel that the time is Delicacies. CRIC gradually arrived at the hotel, started a formal assessment process the staff has been busy tracking where they were to ensure that they will appear in their place of the. I ran back and forth to translate some advertising on the Chinese meaning and try to bring the essence of Chinese meaning to listen to the judges, so they can better understand China's advertisements convey meaning. This time, young creative business Young Lotus Workshop began. This is a very interesting activities, each city sent two young advertising people to the game, in the 48-hour period to create a positive image of a row reflects the theme of 60 seconds TVC. There will be senior advertising to some talks and proposals. There photographers throughout their activities photograph them. 48 hours, subject to know formal handover works, but are only using a mobile phone for use only, it was really very challenging. From Shanghai, China's two boys are very good advertising people, I helped to translate something, They discussed with a bit of creativity, the desire to help them. Meanwhile, I started the work, is responsible for all international media reception. Although 2:00 sponsor, the official opening could not be treated lightly. 7:30 I went to the Convention Center hall ready to the media, the information folder and wait for the arrival of the media. Because full preparations, even to the media, the procedures for registration of a little trouble, but still did not get out what is wrong. From this part of the registration, people can see the Asia Pacific Advertising Festival in the management and organization is quite good. In particular, I just Canada's World University debates back claims that the Olympic Games the biggest academic event there are more than 1,500 participants, which can be confusing time for the registration process to report back so I was really fresh. Organizations such a large activity is really not an easy matter. Each department needs every link closely with, can be wrong. Visitors may not feel that every time they visit. staff at all times in a wide variety of matters. This time, I personally participated in the work only aware of this point. All kinds of links to a spokesman for the talks, to ensure that he arrived at the venue; the jury decided to award the need to ensure that the judges were present; major media interviews to the judges, the President, he needs to arrange a time; several women journalists have been busy from morning to night every day adfestbuzz published in the daily, pictures from script to print layout of each part not simple; various numerous to mention any information on the preparations. All of the hard work of silence is to allow the entire Asia-Pacific Advertising Festival running in an orderly manner, this made me aware of teamwork and the importance of the spirit of cooperation. Because of this advertising is not yet at the Chinese translation, So I arranged End I subordinates to temporary work when a number of translation. Now, come to think of translation is a lot to be done to prepare the ground language skills and challenges of the work. What I have in foreign countries in English, even the English debate ever winning the game, no exchange is a natural, However, to achieve the two languages easily turned each other, I also need to work and do the preparatory work for the information. In an interview with the Asia Pacific Advertising Festival, Mr Guobacheng the process, I learned a lot of new things, Asia Pacific Advertising Festival's history ah. Along the way approaching ah difficult and 10 years of innovation. Founder uphold the spirit and perseverance is worthy of the later study. Interviews also had access to several excellent general judge, amazing experience, the advertising section of the views and recommendations of the advertising for some of the proposals made me feel benefited. I understand that advertising is not only an interesting idea it, advertising is a profound scholarship.


  这时候,青年创意营Young Lotus Workshop也开始了。这是一个很有意思的活动,每个城市派出2名年轻广告人来比赛,要在48小时之内制作出一个以反映芭堤雅积极形象为主题的60秒TVC。会有资深广告人给他们一些讲座,建议。全程都有摄影师把他们的活动拍摄下来。48个小时,从知道题目到正式交作品,而且只不过是用一个移 动电话去拍而已,真是很有挑战性的。

亚太广告节 9月上线

亚太广告节 9月上线《广告杂志》成为AdFestBuzz.com台湾区媒体合作伙伴


  2007年,在亚太地区,甚至全球备受广告人与创意人瞩目的亚太广告节(AdFest),将正式进入第10年。为了迎接AdFest 10周年,AdFest已开始密集进行若干重大的活动,其中最重要的就是成立AdFestBuzz网站。AdFestBuzz.com预定在9月份正式上线,这个网站,基本上将成为AdFest的网上杂志,目的是提高亚太区广告界新生代对AdFest的注意与参与,使更多的年轻创意好手,能透过这个网站进行互动与沟通。
  第2项,AdFest 2007最新动态:AdFestBuzz将以2007年AdFest为主题,随时报导及公布即将到来的10周年重大活动之讯息。包括,亚太广告节奖项新增类别、评审名单、活动派对内容、演讲人,甚至大会主办地点泰国Pataya的旅游景点等动态讯息。
  第3项,Young Lotus:报导年轻创意人的创意、生活及职场活动等。并追踪历届代表之最新动态以反应亚太广告节青年创意营(Young Lotus Workshop)的重要性与影响力。
  AdFestBuzz网站,为了丰富网站内容,同时与亚太区广告产业产生互动、定时追踪历届参加Young Lotus Workshop各国代表之动态,将在亚太地区各国邀请当地最具影响力的广告专业媒体,担任媒体合作伙伴,为各地区产业资讯提供者及AdFestBuzz网站的推广者。《广告杂志》在7月下旬接受邀约后,已正式同意担任台湾地区媒体伙伴。

Young Creative Workshop

李慧美走访2007亚太广告节Young Lotus创意大赛台湾代表刘冠良、廖宏益 刘冠良 台湾联广广告文案 入行年资:4又1/2年 入行经过: 从有意识开始,我就对色彩与图像感到兴趣,学生时除了认命读书之外,就是画漫画、书法、想东想西吧,无奈总是在升学考试和广告系擦身而过,考上政治大学地政系;金门退伍后,硬着头皮以大学时期自学的Photoshop以及Corel Draw,挑了几个品牌重做平面稿,再加上平常涂涂画画的漫画与摄影作品集结成册,一口气印了每本三十多页的作品集,邮寄给全台湾的广告代理商,不论是文案,设计甚至是业务的应试机会,我都不放过。在幸运之神的卷顾下,通过第六家代理商的面试顺利录取文案,并且在第一年初尝到时报广告奖的滋味! 觉得AdFest所设立的Young Creative Workshop如何? 去年年初,我在台北听了一场由AdFest主办、Jimmy Lam(林俊明)主持的演讲,初次获悉亚太广告节的相关信息,并了解到广告节之于台湾广告人的重要性,光是可以聆听大师级前辈亲自传授的课程就让人兴奋了,而且还能与亚洲各国遴选出的Young Lotus相户观摩、登堂较劲,身为广告新进的我,要踏入亚太广告圈谈何容易,当时心里已悄悄埋下梦想的嫩芽:「就把Young Creative Workshop当做自己跨入亚太区的第一块敲门砖吧!」我心里这么想着。 在Workshop中学到什么? 如果不是有幸获选台湾区的代表,我要到哪里才听得到Mr.Suthisak的授课?而且,过去只能在广告年鉴上看到的风云人物,现在都历历在目了!在Workshop里,我学会了打开自己,让各种观念走进来,一连听了来自曼谷、菲律宾、新加坡的杰出广告人,分别针对文化、视觉、文案的专题提出自己的观点,倒不是教我们把课程的内容奉为宝典,而是广告本身就是一门没有界限的工作,如果不想把IDEA闭锁在内心的小世界,不想设限创意的切入点,不想谨守台湾的风格,那就试着听听亚洲其它优秀创意人的声量吧! 跟其它来自亚太地区的Young Creative相处,当中有没有什么收获? 在此之前,对亚洲的认知,仅限于历史课本与广告年鉴,此外,就只有透过旅行的机会,造访过日本与香港两地。从抵达PATTAYA的当晚开始,与Young Creative的互动中让我逐步突破自己的语言障碍,与来自各地的Young Lotus畅谈自己的广告经历与对于创意的想法,不论是黄皮肤、黑皮肤、白皮肤的伙伴,都能感受到大家对广告的热情,以及对Young Lotus Award的企图心,对我而言,这是一种良性的较劲,横向的打开自己的生活圈,让我们在会场是友善的对手,在会后成为彼此驻地的导游。 由二人一组完成拍摄一支短片,过程如何?当中有什么感受? 我和阿宏是来自不同公司的创意人员,工作中不乏参与电视广告创意的机会,但是,却从来没有操刀执行影片剪辑的经验,这次的竞赛打破常规,给了一道前所未有的难题:自制广告片!从发想IDEA,分镜脚本,拍摄影片,后期剪辑,广告配乐都要一手包办。一开始,我们就考量到拍摄与剪辑的可行性,尽可能挑选最简单的创意素材来传达我们的IDEA,第一次与阿宏合作是很新鲜的体验,讨论的当晚,不断的互丢想法,直到凌晨四点才收网过滤出IDEA,再用最有效率的速度完成分镜脚本并撰写文案,甚至在搭车前往会场的路上还持续讨论提案的方式,力拼到最后一刻才肯罢休。这段自制广告片的过程,让我学习在时间的压力下完成作品,用最有效率的方式和搭档凝聚共识,在时间无情的终点线之前,顺利交片,更在没有创意总监监督之下,自己学着做自己的创意总监! 整体而言,有什么体会及感受? 在广告里,我埋入人们未能实现的梦想;这回,我在泰国圆了自己对广告的梦想。深深体会到Young Creative Workshop就像一把聚焦的望远镜,帮助我们这些年轻的广告人把自己欠缺的视野和格局,都提早给看清楚,梦想的蓝图也因此变得具体而清晰了! 在这次AdFest之旅,有没有什么难忘事情? 有一个画面一直在脑海里萦绕着…。那天,踏进AdFest二楼会场,我的瞳孔间被一股前所未见的感动给放大了,是一条放眼望去深不见底的长廊,墙上挂满上千张参杂着心血的平面作品,驻足在作品前的每一位广告人,无不流露出嗜创意若渴的尖锐眼神,锐利到彷佛想把整张稿子给看透,饥渴到好想把整张稿子给吃下去的那种冲动,我深深的被这股氛围给感动着,那一刻,我想我的灵魂正在接受创意之神的感召吧!另外,每一次午餐的餐叙时刻,你永远想不到坐在你身旁的是什么大人物,在交换名片之后,会让你惊奇连连,有英国的MV导演、上海的创意官、德国的制片、澳洲和泰国的创意总监……就像不断有下一份礼物等着你来揭晓。 就个人而言,这次AdFest之旅,对广告生涯上,对你有没有什么影响?有没有产生什么新想法? 梦想一旦激活,就再也不会停下来。虽然现在置身台湾,但怀抱的不再仅限于小岛般的愿望,视线一旦远眺到全亚洲,就收不回来了,未来只会对创意越来越贪心,期待在不久的未来,可以有机会与亚洲最优秀的广告人一起乐在工作,享受生活,因为,我已经听见心里的鼓声了! 廖宏益 现职:无业、前职 :台湾DraftFCB助理美术指导 入行年资:将近4年 入行经过: 一直对广告有好奇和兴趣,于是第一份工作至今,一直都在从事广告 觉得AdFest所设立的Young Creative Workshop如何? 是很值得一去的活动!很具挑战性,并且可以一次接触到各国不同的思维,对往后创意上的展现很有帮助! 在Workshop中学到什幺? 看到各国诠释Brief的不同,解答Brief的手法也不同,广告绝对不会是有标准答案的行业,有创意,就永远会有新方法! 跟其它来自亚太地区的Young Creative相处,当中有没有什幺收获? 结识不少原本可能一辈子也不会认识的人,现在仍旧在MSN上热烈讨论着参赛期间的点点滴滴… … 由二人一组完成拍摄一支短片,过程如何?当中有什幺感受? 非常折磨的一项任务,以往,不会有机会拍摄和后制,这次,一切都要自己来,并且只有24小时,在可怕的压力下,成长了许多! 整体而言,有什幺体会及感受? 很累,但很有长进,并且会继续在这行热血沸腾下去 在这次AdFest之旅,有没有什幺难忘事情? Young Lotus住的旅馆和大会的旅馆虽然只是在彼此的隔壁,但是用走的却要花一个小时,所以每次往返两间饭店都用爬墙的,这算是毕生难忘的诡异经历! 就个人而言,这次AdFest之旅,对广告生涯上,对你有没有什幺影响?有没有产生什幺新想法? 看到了太多杰出的作品,也认识了好多杰出的高手,已经建立起一个小小的network,彼此分享一些经验,往后,眼界不会只放在国内,希望有天也可以有哪件作品在台上登场!


AdFest launches online magazine

AdFest launches online magazine, ‘adfestbuzz’
Advertising Festival (AdFest) recently launched ‘adfestbuzz’, a portal that would serve as a unique platform for ad lovers in Asia Pacific to connect with AdFest. (Advertising Festival, 10 Oct 06 20:52)
The media partners for this website include (India), Modern Ad (Beijing), Longyin Review (Hong Kong), CM Journal (Japan), Adoi (KL/JKT), AdInformation (Korea), Adobo (the Philippines) and ADM (Taiwan) to help develop editorial content.

‘Ad News That Really Matters In Asia Pacific’ is the slogan of this online magazine. The aim of the website would be to enhance the awareness of AdFest in the Asian Pacific region.

‘adfestbuzz’ would focus on attracting key decision-makers and influencers in the advertising agencies, marketers from multi-national and local companies in the region as well as non-creatives including brand consultants, researchers, headhunters, strategic planners, media professionals, PR and direct marketers.

It is must be noted here that 2007 will witness the 10th anniversary of AdFest and the launch of ‘adfestbuzz’ comes hand-in-hand with this event.

One of the important purposes of the website is to announce the latest developments of AdFest 2007. It shall cover news concerning award categories, judges, speakers and the programme details and arrangements of AdFest 2007.

It would also feature interviews of ex-judges, speakers of AdFest and upcoming young creative stars who participated in Young Lotus Workshop held by AdFest.

Jimmy Lam, chairman, sub-committee for speakers and judges, and publisher, ‘adfestbuzz’ says, “We hope that ‘adfestbuzz’ can act as a bridge to allow advertising, production and marketing people in our industry to keep in constant contact. ‘adfestbuzz’ is unparalleled as it utilises the strength of AdFest, which is a successful ad awards event, as a magnet to attract those ad lovers.”

According to Lam, the primary target audience of ‘adfestbuzz’ is creative people including creative directors, copywriters, art directors, film directors, producers, editors, photographers, designers and interactive professionals.

Saturday, 28 July 2007



The organisers of the Young Lotus Workshop at this week's Asia Pacific Adfest awards have introduced a reality TV element to the competition.
The participants, comprising 28 of the most promising young creatives in Asia, will take part in a three-day series of workshops given by some of Asia's most respected advertising professionals. They will then be asked to produce a 60-second commercial and a panel of judges will choose the best three to be broadcast at the Adfest awards.The reality TV element comes in the form of a crew of cameramen who will document the creative process of each of the participants, and their final output will be judged with the evolution from idea to final output taken into account.BBDO Asia, which is co-ordinating the workshop, hopes to sell a half-hour programme to television stations in the area."The Young Lotus Workshop has always had a low profile at the Adfest awards," said Suthisak Sucharittanonta, chairman and CCO of BBDO Bangkok and one of the judges of the competition. "People never recognise what the young creatives are doing so we want to use the footage to engage everyone coming here so that they can recognise the young talent in Asia." The brief for this year's competition will centre on the Thai resort of Pattaya, renowned for its beautiful beaches but more so for sex tourism.
Article continues below....

"It's about confronting some of the prejudices about Pattaya," said Chris Thomas, chairman and CEO of BBDO Asia Pacific, who is heading the panel of judges. "We want to show that there are some great things to do in Pattaya and that it's not just about go-go girls and bars."The young creatives were selected after winning competitions in their countries. "They've been exposed to some of the most experienced creatives and they are going through a 48-hour process of converting an idea into an end-product under the full glare of 1500 of the best people in Asia," Thomas said.The panel of judges will consist of Thomas and Sucharittanonta, along with Peter Souter, deputy chairman and CCO of AMV BBDO London, David Guerrero, chairman and CCO of BBDO Guerrero/Ortega, and Simon Bond, regional director of Proximity Asia.For more information visit ENTERTHELOTUS.TV

Young Lotus competition - a new reality show is created by BBDO Asia

Young Lotus competition - a new reality show is created by BBDO Asia

Bangkok, 6 March 2007 – For its 10th anniversary, the AdFest Working Committee has invited BBDO Asia, an Omnicom company, to host the Young Lotus Workshop at the Asia Pacific AdFest Awards in Thailand. Now in its fourth year, the objective of the Young Lotus is to develop fast rising creative talent from across the region by extending / challenging their creative skills and exposing them to senior advertising talent.

Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee says, "The Young Lotus Workshop starts a fire in the belly of participants that keeps smouldering, until long after AdFest closes. Contestants are exposed to a wealth of experience and talent, learn the thrill of close competition and build relationships across the region that they will remember for the rest of their careers."

This year BBDO Asia is launching an innovative approach to the Workshop. Its approach will see 30 young creatives from 15 different countries participating in the first reality-based workshop of its kind, ever. Over two full days, as the creative development for the workshop takes place, the participants will be recorded and taped, leaving no part of the process out. The 'reality' of creating inspired thought and growing each idea will then be observed and judged.

Inspiring the talent at the Young Lotus Workshop will be Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Peter Souter - Deputy Chairman and CCO, AMV BBDO London, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia.

The Young Lotus teams will be in action at AdFest 2007 in Pattaya and the results of the workshop will be screened so that delegates can experience first-hand the First Advertising Reality Show - Enter The Lotus.

For more information on the Young Lotus Workshop, visit and click on the 'Enter The Lotus' box.

For details on previous winners of and participants in Young Lotus Workshop, please visit and click on 'What Young Lotus are up to'.

young creative stars who participated in Young Lotus Workshop

Advertising Festival (AdFest) recently launched ‘adfestbuzz’, a portal that would serve as a unique platform for ad lovers in Asia Pacific to connect with AdFest. (Advertising Festival, 10 Oct 06 20:52)
The media partners for this website include (India), Modern Ad (Beijing), Longyin Review (Hong Kong), CM Journal (Japan), Adoi (KL/JKT), AdInformation (Korea), Adobo (the Philippines) and ADM (Taiwan) to help develop editorial content.

‘Ad News That Really Matters In Asia Pacific’ is the slogan of this online magazine. The aim of the website would be to enhance the awareness of AdFest in the Asian Pacific region.

‘adfestbuzz’ would focus on attracting key decision-makers and influencers in the advertising agencies, marketers from multi-national and local companies in the region as well as non-creatives including brand consultants, researchers, headhunters, strategic planners, media professionals, PR and direct marketers.

It is must be noted here that 2007 will witness the 10th anniversary of AdFest and the launch of ‘adfestbuzz’ comes hand-in-hand with this event.

One of the important purposes of the website is to announce the latest developments of AdFest 2007. It shall cover news concerning award categories, judges, speakers and the programme details and arrangements of AdFest 2007.

It would also feature interviews of ex-judges, speakers of AdFest and upcoming young creative stars who participated in Young Lotus Workshop held by AdFest.

Jimmy Lam, chairman, sub-committee for speakers and judges, and publisher, ‘adfestbuzz’ says, “We hope that ‘adfestbuzz’ can act as a bridge to allow advertising, production and marketing people in our industry to keep in constant contact. ‘adfestbuzz’ is unparalleled as it utilises the strength of AdFest, which is a successful ad awards event, as a magnet to attract those ad lovers.”

According to Lam, the primary target audience of ‘adfestbuzz’ is creative people including creative directors, copywriters, art directors, film directors, producers, editors, photographers, designers and interactive professionals.



BBDO Asia will be hosting the Young Lotus Workshop at the Asia Pacific Adfest awards in Thailand next week. Now in its fourth year, the objective of the Young Lotus is to develop fast rising creative talent from across the region by extending/challenging their creative skills and exposing them to senior advertising talent.
This year BBDO Asia Pacific is launching an innovative approach to the Workshop. An approach that will see 30 young creatives from 15 different countries participating in the first reality based workshop of its kind, ever. During the 48 hours the creative development for the workshop takes place, the participants will be recorded and taped, leaving no part of the development process out. The ‘real’ process of each creative will then be observed and judged.
Inspiring the young talent at the Workshop will be Chris Thomas, Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Peter Souter, Deputy Chairman and CCO, AMV BBDO London, Suthisak Sucharittanonta, Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero, Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega, and Simon Bond, Regional Director, Proximity Asia.
Discover the Young Lotus in action and experience: The First Advertising Reality Show - Enter The Lotus at Adfest 2007.
For more information, visit

2006 Asia Pacific Advertising Festival-Young Lotus Workshop

2006 Asia Pacific Advertising Festival-Young Lotus Workshop

Lo: To me, I have learned numerous things from Young Lotus Workshop. If you are interested in observing life and reading people, there are numerous chances to learn if you are curious. To me, the most important thing I learned there was the international view. There were so many people from different countries including 14 countries and 28 brains. It's so engaging. Besides the techniques, trends and the basic elements to an ad I learned in class. I was also greatly impressed by the dressing code and manner of other creatives, I couldn't find a place that could provide me such a learning opportunity.

What did you get after staying with Young Creatives from different Asian countries?
Chou: The overriding thought was that "the world is truly enormous". Although I tried to travel as much as I can, I was only able to see the environment of the traveled countries but not the local culture. But after the close interaction with young creatives from all other places within the week of AdFest, I've discovered a lot of cultural phenomena simply through chatting with them. Only in Asia, there are so many perspectives. I can't imagine that in the whole world. Before the trip, I always thought that I had a broader perspective towards the world than my friends. However, after meeting people from different countries, I now feel like it's the time to readjust my 'worldview'.

Lo: When we read foreign books or watch foreign movies, we'll learn about their culture. But spending five full days with people from 14 countries was a true feat in placing myself in a foreign environment to absorb others' culture. If you're a people-observer, there are many 'little' things, which are engaging. For example, the passion of the Filipinos, the delicacy of the Japanese, the energy of Koreans and the diversity of Malaysians… there are so many touching things that can't be described in words.

Within 24 hours, a group of two people is required to finish a job. What's the process? What did you feel?
Chou: Although it was the first time I've worked with Jamie, the whole process was smooth. Since we had different backgrounds, there was no burden to develop concepts and we were able to throw ideas and analyze each other's ideas. During our discussions, we came up with a lot of concepts. In fact, it was quite hard for us to choose a single idea for developing the campaign. But, we did it finally. So I would say it was a pretty successful operation!

Lo: It's really not so different from my usual work. But this time, no one would help me. The whole process went smoothly, we talked about a lot of ideas, and these ideas evolved into a few other sets of concepts. It's not difficult for us to develop ideas. The most difficult part was to choose a single and final idea for our campaign. It's not easy. During the process we talked about how to present our idea and how to make our campaign memorable. Finally, we decided not to develop a TV commercial, print ad but we made the campaign as a full-year activity. Though it was the first time we worked together, it was a pleasant experience.

During the trip, do you have any unforgettable things?
Chou: The whole trip was memorable especially the McCann Party and the Walking Street dancing night. I enjoyed dancing that night with all young creatives even I am not a person good at dancing.

How does the AdFest trip affect your career?
Chou: After coming back, I would like to rethink what is "award winning ads". In the past, I just treated my duties as part of my work only. After work, I would come back home and sleep. I won't care whether my creative work could stand out from the crowd in the competition or not. At present, most of the award-winning ads in Taiwan are scam ads, but to a certain extent I don't agree with that practice. After the trip I have changed my mind. In fact, we won't be able to create award-winning ads everyday. But we couldn't ignore the importance of trying every efforts to do outstanding award-winning ads because those ads tip the scales in the industry and if you want to further develop your career in the industry, you should try to create award-winning ads. If we can create an ad that helps client standout from the crowd in awards show, it will be mutually beneficial for both ad agency and client.

Lo: After seeing those great creative work and so many talented creatives at AdFest, I find myself humbled. When I went back to Taiwan, I gave my online gaming account to my friends, and have decided not to play online games anymore. But it is impossible to strengthen my creativity within a short period of time. Boosting my creativity is just like improving language abilities. This Thailand trip to the AdFest was truly an eye-opening experience for me, and I will work extra hard to produce good work. I hope when I attend the AdFest next time, I won't be a young creative anymore, but an award winner.

Overall, what did you feel?
Chou: When I was back, people only would like to know more about Pattaya. And I just said that the place was wonderful and I wouldn't want to come back. Of course it's not just because of the beautiful scenery, but also because this trip was an eye-opening experience journey, which let people learn more and get more. I made new friends in the trip and I learned new things from them.

Lo: No matter what you are doing, you should always keep an open-minded. Being a creative, we normally don't have enough time for leisure time and we work to rule. Therefore it's really a great trip as I could have chances to widen my own horizon.

Hong Kong

Kiu Chan – M & C Saatchi, Hong Kong

Number of years in the industry
2.5 years

How did you get into the industry?
Interview, interview, interview, interview, interview, interview, interview, hired

Young Lotus Award after workshop moderated by BBDO Asia Pacific

The 4th Young Lotus Workshop at AdFest 2007 was moderated by BBDO Asia Pacific and attended by twenty-eight young creatives from fourteen countries, including Bangkok, Beijing, Colombo, Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei and Tokyo.

The fourteen national teams presented their creative ideas to the BBDO team, which then voted in a secret ballot to short-list seven Young Lotus entries. The winning commercial was from Team Tokyo, with Beijing a close runner-up and Manila also a finalist.

Suthisak Sucharittanonta, chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok and David Guerrero, chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega Manila said, “We were looking for a fresh idea and great crafting skills were an added bonus. The winning entry showed an astonishing level of craft and had a clear, single-minded idea with a surprising twist at the end.”

The judging panel and workshop moderating team included Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia, Andy Wilson – Regional Planning Director. BBDO Asia Pacific and Farouk Madden – Executive Creative Director, BBDO Singapore.

The participants were assigned a real brief, “You can do good things in Pattaya”. They were introduced to the Office of the Mayor of Pattaya City, who provided background to the brief. The teams were then asked to produce a TV commercial using the latest Nokia N931 mobile phone and video camera, which answered the brief.

David Guerrero explained the concept. “The Nokia N93i is at the cutting edge of today’s digital age. We wanted to give Young Lotus the chance to make consumer-generated content and at the same time, make a real-time film of how they achieved it.” As part of the exercise, each national creative team was given a N93i phone and told to go out and get footage in Pattaya City to edit into their commercial.

Fourteen independent cameramen were used - one for each team – to video the entire creative process. Delegates at AdFest could watch the story unfold as the edited highlights were revealed each day. This is the first time this has been attempted at AdFest.

Chris Thomas, chairman and CEO of BBDO Asia Pacific said, “The real task for each team was to recognize ‘Brand Pattaya’, identify the positives for the resort and build a compelling argument to convince tourists to come”.

Suthisak Sucharittanonta was impressed with the level of technical skill shown by the Young Lotus contenders. “The teams filmed their own footage and then edited and crafted a commercial from the results, without any help from professionals. The exercise shows how fast digital media is advancing and advertising skills are changing.”

The exercise has proved to be a great training tool. The edited film will be given to the participants as a memento and used to promote Young Lotus at AdFest in the future.

Young Lotus Workshop is part of AdFest’s long-term commitment to provide a learning forum for the creative industries of Asia Pacific and is conducted every year. Participants are selected by national advertising associations. The workshop and attendance of participants is funded by AdFest.

What is the AdFest Young Lotus Workshop ?

Asia Pacific Advertising Festival wishes to recognize and encourage the rising stars in the region and offer creative young bloods a direct chance to earn a winning place on the AdFest stage. The Young Creative Workshop will create an environment that allows them to develop skills and learn from award-winning creative directors/gurus and sharpen their talents so they can compete amongst themselves in the lively atmosphere of AdFest.
The Workshop will be facilitated by a select group of “trainers”, collectively called the Young Lotus Workshop Committee. It will take place over the course of 2 or 2 and a half days prior to AdFest itself. The format will consist of speaking slots from “trainers” and a workshop element. Attendees will be coached, briefed and given a work assignment to be completed within 24 hours, which will be judged and a winner selected. A major benefit is that the work will be judged by the Young Lotus Workshop Committee. Winners will be announced at some point during AdFest and presented with an award on stage. The winning works will also be exhibited during the event. All participants will be invited to be delegates for the AdFest event.

In this coming AdFest 2007, Suthisak Sucharittanonta, Chief Creative Officer, BBDO Bangkok will be the sole project manager. After Craig Davis, Regional Executive Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi Asia/Africa had offered to chair the first Young Lotus Workshop Committee in 2004. The Committee would be selected by the AdFest Organizing Committee and agreed with the Chairman, prior to invitation. The second year was chaired by Linda Locke from Leo Burnett Singapore, and the third Young Lotus Workshop in 2006 was chaired by Tay Guan Hin, Regional Executive Creative Director, JWT Singapore.

Objectives of the Workshop

1. To train and sharpen young creative minds to develop effective concepts
2. To support and stimulate new creative young bloods in the region
3. To help the Asia Pacific advertising industry compete in a global market
4. To elect and provide exposure for the most talented young creative team
5. To encourage young creative to strengthen team relations for the workshop

Who should be the attendees ?

It is expected that attendees to the Workshop will be selected through local ad associations. Each association from the AdFest Organizing Committee will select two candidates (preferably 1 art director and 1 copywriter with English speaking skills) to represent the association as a creative team and send them to the Workshop. This can be done through a national competition or by other local selection means.

The age of candidates attending the Young Lotus Workshop will be limited to no more than 30 years of age (born in 1977 or after) no month restriction with 1-5 years experience in the advertising field.

The total number of candidates is anticipated to be no more than twenty-six (thirteen national teams). Associations on the AdFest Steering Committee will have first refusal for the places. These are 1) Mumbai (STACA), 2) Seoul (KFAA), 3) Jakarta (PPPI), 4) Tokyo (JAF), 5) Beijing (CAA), 6) Bangkok (AAT). Other city associations that have expressed and interest are 7) Kuala Lumpur, 8) Ho Chi Minh, 9) Singapore, 10) Manila, 11) Taipei, 12) Colombo, 13) Dhaka, 14) Hong Kong, 15) Karachi and 16) Kathmandu.

Benefits of the Attendees

1. A chance to work with a selection of the best creative practitioners from the Asia Pacific advertising
2. Absorb essential creative know-how from world-class advertising gurus
3. Learn techniques and tips directly form successful creative
4. Meet your peers and build on your industry contacts
5. Build strong team skills

Funding and Expenses

The funding of the Young Lotus Workshop will be split into three components.

1. Each local association will be responsible for the cost of any selection process used to pick the two candidates plus
the selected candidates’ airfare.
2. Each year, a network agency will be asked to provide the manpower and organization for the Young Lotus Workshop
Committee, including travel costs to and from Pattaya and accommodation costs. No agency will be allowed to
provide this for more than one year in succession. In the event that no agency will take the responsibility, the AdFest
Organizing Committee will be responsible for finding and funding independent “trainers” to sit on the Young Lotus
Workshop Committee.
3. An industry sponsor will be found to be responsible for on-the-ground expenses for the participants, including AdFest
registration fees, accommodation during the workshop and AdFest event, meals and learning facilities, such as
computer accessories. In the event that no sponsor is found, the AdFest Organizing Committee will cover these

Details of Expenses (For Associations’ Reference)

1. Accommodation
2. Meals
3. Package Meeting + Meeting Room Rental
4. Computer Accessories (including wiring/LAN connections/Internet package/telephone line)
5. Waive of Registration Fee
6. Speakers’ air ticket + transfer
7. Speakers’ accommodation + meals

AdFest Lotus Awards

AP AdFest 2007 celebrates “Turning 10” after a decade of championing creativity in Asia Pacific.

Delegate numbers and award entries continue to increase for the tenth consecutive year.

AdFest is “Turning 10”. For four days from 14-17 March 2007, it will celebrate a decade of success from which has emerged the largest regional awards event in Asia Pacific.

A fifteen per cent increase in registration means the biggest contingent of over 1600 delegates from more than forty countries around the world will arrive at PEACH (Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall) at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort in Pattaya, Thailand. They will witness a festival of creativity that encompasses more media channels than ever and embraces the contribution of both advertising and production industries in Asia Pacific.

AdFest Lotus Awards

The Asia-Pacific Advertising Festival (AdFest) Working Committee has confirmed that 5,012 entries have been submitted this year, an increase of six per cent on the number of entries in 2006.

The coveted AdFest Lotus Awards will be even more sought after this year. AdFest is one of the founding partners of The Intercontinental Advertising Cup, in collaboration with I bero-American Advertising Festival (FIAP) and the Golden Drum Advertising Festival of New Europe . All Lotus Award finalists will be automatically entered into the Cup, which will take place in Spain in November 2007.

Over five hundred agencies in forty-nine cities around the region have entered. The top five cities by number of entries are Bangkok (807), Mumbai (732), Singapore (587), Tokyo (551) and Hong Kong (327).

Print Lotus entries have increased slightly on last year and TV and Outdoor have dropped slightly, perhaps reflecting the proliferation of different media channels in the advertising market. There have been significant increases in entries for DM, Cyber and Film Craft as well as entries in new award categories for Radio, 360 (Integrated Work) and Innovation Lotus, sponsored by Contagious.

AdFest Judging Panels

AP AdFest has invited fifty-one judges to join the judging panels, which are divided by category, in order to cope with the volume of work that needs to be assessed.

Jimmy Lam, chairman of the sub-committee of speakers and judges said, “I am immensely grateful for the commitment from our judges. As busy international and regional creatives, they apply themselves passionately with the highest standards of judging to ensure that the best work wins.”

Each advertising awards category has a panel of judges, headed by a judging chairman. Chairing the Film Panel is John Hunt, worldwide creative director for TBWA Johannesburg. Sitting as judging chairman for Print is Piyush Pandey, executive chairman and national creative director for Ogilvy & Mather India. For Outdoor awards, it is Linda Locke, Regional Executive Creative Director for Leo Burnett Asia Pacific. The judging chairman for Direct Marketing is Dave King, national creative director for M&C Saatchi in Sydney. For the Cyber Lotus, it is Benjamin Palmer, chief executive offiver and chief creative director for the Barbarian Group, based in Boston, USA.

There are three new categories for Lotus Awards this year. The chairman for Radio Lotus is Tony Hertz, managing director and creative director of Hertz:Radio and Other Clever Advertising. 360 Lotus for integrated and multi-media campaigns and Innovation Lotus (sponsored by Contagious) will be chaired by David Droga, creative chairman of droga5 in New York.

There are two categories open to production houses. The panel of judges for TV Craft is chaired by Nelson Ng, editor at Touches, Hong Kong. Steve Dunn, head of art for JWT, London is chairing the judging panel for Print Craft.

AdFest Speakers

To reflect the cultural diversity of channels that is evolving in the advertising world, AP AdFest has also organized an unprecedented fifteen speakers to stimulate and inspire delegates as they attend the festival.

Confirmed creative speakers at the event include Mr. David Droga speaking on how ‘The future isn't what it used to be', Mr. John Hunt talking about how ‘If it ain't got that swing, it don't mean a thing' and Mr. Benjamin Palmer giving advice on ‘Learning by doing'. Mr. Peter Souter valiantly tackles the unpredictable with ‘The future of advertising'.

This year, AdFest has invited speakers to throw some light on consumer insights. Mr. David McCaughan runs McCann-Erickson’s Pulse survey. His topic is ‘Don't call them consumers'. Ms. Daniela Krautsack's from Mediacom Vienna will talk about the influence of ambient media in ‘Cows in Jackets'.

This year, the successful panel discussions that are so popular at AdFest have been brought back and include Mr. Paul Kemp-Robertson from Contagious leading a panel discussion on “Brand Utility” with creative leaders from the Asia Pacific region. Mr. Lewis Blackwell advises delegates to ‘Look, don't read”, and will lead a panel discussion with some of AdFest judges.

Japan Advertising Agency Federation will share with delegates ‘The Practical Guide to Planet Japan’. Three speakers from Dentsu, Hakuhodo and ADK will be joined by moderator Mr. Chris Kyme.

Japan Association of Commercial Film will present its all time favourite ‘Remarkable Five’, introducing five young TVC directors from Japan, Philippines, New Zealand, Singapore and Bangladesh. Each budding director will present his or her short film based on the “Turning Ten” theme of AdFest 2007.

AdFest has invited festivals from other regions to showcase the best work. Mr. Daniel Marcet will present FIAP - the Latin American advertising festival with its winning ads. Mr. Jure Apih will present the award winners from Golden Drum – the New Europe Advertising Festival. Mr. Michael Conrad will talk about the mission of the first ever InterContinental Advertising Cup to be held in Spain in November 2007.

BBDO Asia will also present the results of the Young Lotus Workshop, which this year has been filmed from start to finish in a virtual reality test case.

AdFest Young Lotus Workshop

This year, the Young Lotus Workshop is being conducted for the fourth time. Inspiring the talent at the Young Lotus Workshop will be Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Peter Souter - Deputy Chairman and CCO, AMV BBDO London, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia.

Thirty young creatives are participating from fifteen cities participating in the first reality-based workshop of its kind, ever. Over two full days, as the creative development for the workshop takes place, the participants will be recorded and taped, leaving no part of the process out. The ‘reality’ of creating inspired thought and growing each idea will then be observed and judged.

The Asia Pacific Advertising Festival aims to provide a creative forum and stimulus for learning in a festival atmosphere for the advertising community in Asia Pacific. It is where the great cultural diversity of work from the region is showcased, rewarded and celebrated. It is for people to inspire, learn and absorb, teach and innovate, communicate, discuss and debate.

The 10 th Asia Pacific Advertising Festival 2007 is held from March 14-17 2007. The event takes place at its permanent home, the Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (PEACH), Royal Cliff Beach Resort Hotel in Pattaya, Thailand.

Saturday, 21 July 2007

We are Production Films Service on the top of Thailand

Why Sky Exits Films ?????
The Most Awarded Production Companies in the world

Sky Exits Films Production House in Bangkok Thailand. We were no. 5 The Most Director Awarded in the world and no. 9 The Most Awarded Production Companies in the world in 1999 from Gunn Report from Shots. We are one of a leader production house for TV Commercial to support most of large and well-established advertising agencies both local and worldwide.

We are located at 2136/5-6 Ladprao Rd, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 THAILAND.

Contact us: Tel no. + 66 2933 6470 / Fax no. + 66 2530 3666

E-mails us: , ,
(Juh Mobile Phone no. + 66 8 5070 1205)

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Sky Exits Films Production House in Bangkok Thailand. 1999 年我們是第5 多數主任 Awarded 的在世界和第9 被授予的生產公司在世界從 Gunn 報告從射擊

2136/5-6 Ladprao Rd, Wangthonglang, 曼谷10310 泰國

與我們聯繫 : Tel no. + 66 2933 6470 / Fax no. + 66 2530 3666

E-mails us: , ,
(Juh Mobile Phone no. + 66 8 5070 1205)

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Sky Exits Films Production House in Bangkok Thailand.
私達はほとんどのディレクター第5 Awarded 世界のおよび第9 打撃からのGunn のレポートからの1999 年に世界の最も与えられた生産の会社だった。私達はローカル大きく、確立した広告代理店のほとんどを支えるTV のコマーシャルのためのリーダーの生産の家の1 才及び世界的にである。私達は2136/5-6 Ladprao Rd 、Wangthonglang 、バンコク10310 タイにいる。

: Tel no. + 66 2933 6470 / Fax no. + 66 2530 3666
E-mails us: , ,
(Juh Mobile Phone no. + 66 8 5070 1205)

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Sky Exits Films
Production in Bangkok Thailand Welcomes you.

We are one of the leading teams of professionals excelling in executing and handling Film Shooting and Film Crews, for over Twenty Years, in Thailand & South Asia. We are handling the shoot of Features Films/ Commercials/ Documentaries Films/ Still Shoots / Promos/ Serials / Music VDO / Events Management in Thailand.

Complete film shooting solutions, that's we offer. Sky Exits Films have complete infrastructure for smooth production. Sky Exits Films is a production service company having team of professionals, which organize everything from selecting of the best locations including completion of all kind of formalities like taking necessary permission from Government bodies so as to complete the task smoothly.Sky Exits Films is well known name in Film and Advertising world. We have built our reputation for reliability, quality services and the fact that we have never gone over budget and time limit in the projects we have completed.

Company Profile:
We have been associated with various prestigious International and Thailand organizations. We have been facilitating them in the entire shooting process.
The location scouting, location permissions and fixing, Logistics, Assigning crew, Coordination on shoot and other logistic activities are our forte. We can handle Features Films/ Commercials/ Documentaries Films/ Still Shoots / Promos/ Serials / Music VDO / Events Management in Thailand.
We could look for a location depending on your script and story board. We can e-mail you some of the photographs to give you a right idea of the location.
As per ones requirement we can arrange permissions from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of External Affairs, Ministry of Home and any other government authority wherever required for shooting (Railways, Civil Aviation, and Archeological Survey of Thailand etc.).

All private permission could also be obtained.We can negotiate with hotels, transporters, arrange for custom clearance for equipments to get the shoot planed and arrange on a daily basis. And thereafter do the post production as per your requirement

Work Profile :-

• Location scouting and location racy.
• Heading the Production & Technical Department.
• Preparing of Budget for the all In-House Programmed.
• Planning of the Technical configuration of the Broadcast Equipment for the Studio Set-up
• Roistering of the Technical Crew and assigning there duties.
• Managing the logistic of the shooting equipment.
• Preparing MIS for the utilization of the Equipment & Technical Manpower.
• Co-ordination of the vehicles
• Facilitating the shooting crew.
• Arranging for the freelancer technical Crew if required.
• Finalization of the rate and the payment terms.
• Arranging for the technical Crew and equipment.
• Controlling of Production during the shoot.
• Arranging for the Broadcast Equipment.
• Arranging for the Technical Crew and assigning there duties.

Our Services:

We provide complete infrastructural support for foreign and Thailand film producers along with the following services:LOCATION SCOUTING:

• Location best suited to your script and storyboard.
• E-mail you the photographs of the location that give you a right idea


• From the ministry of information and broadcasting
• From the ministry of external affairs, ministry of home and other local government authority
• All private permission is also arranged.
• And also visa clearance
• Customs clearance of equipment (import and re-export)
• Work visas clearance for the entire crew


• The costing of total project professional.
• We are proud of our reliability and the fact that we have never gone over budget in the past.


• We can provide Experienced Crew
• Technical people who have been worked with foreign crew earlier.

• Proper casting for your project
• Only experienced casing Directors.

Remark :

The long history of Thailand and its people have endowed the country with a wealth of different ethnicities offering a vast choice of physical characteristics for every type of casting.

Its long relationship with Foreign casting agents and its regular production levels mean that Sky Exits Films has been able to successfully fully cast films and mini-series in several languages, in many countries. Keeping costs in mind, Sky Exits Films can negotiate full talent buyouts for all types of projects.

Sky Exits Films is a full service casting and coordinating company. Our staff consists of 3 casting directors and several talent coordinators / assistants. Our Online Video Castings allows us to cast several projects at one time also providing our clients with an easy to use casting tool available to them. Saving everyone time and money! Our website provides our clients with 2 to 4 videos on each talent as well as several headshots and resumes. Casting all ages for Commercials , Industrials, Infomercials, TV, Film, Print, Voice Over and Conventions. We provide superior service by giving fast response time and on-site coordination. Traditional and real people casting is also available.


When it comes to a professional appearance, whether for commercial production, movies, television, stage or private functions, Sky Exits Hair and Makeup is the industry's finest. Offering an experienced and accomplished staff of specialists that will meet all of your production needs. We provide every professional of make-up and hair design artistry, as well as special effects for character portrayals, including bald caps, old aging and injury simulation. Known for dependability and detail, Sky Exits Hair and Makeup offers competitive rates to ensure a profit for your production.


• Air ticketing domestic and international
• Negotiate with hotels
• Transporter


• All Kind Of Multi-cuisine A, B, C Catering In Budget


• We mainly concern about crew safety
• We can provide security and insurance for equipments, main talent-cast, crew set.
• Insurance of cast and crew and set


• Stock • Art, Property (Prop) And Set
• Legal Assistance
• Information about weather dept.
• Processing and editing facilities
• Translators

Advertising films :

We have successfully completed many ad films and promos with very well known names in the world of Advertisin Film Shooting.

We provide complete services required for Adverting Film Shooting and Promos at very reasonable charges. You can search the locations in seconds to identify a shortlist of places that meet your Advertising film requirements. Our detailed information about Thailand climate and geography enables you to quickly compare possibilities.

We have experienced team of Advertising film Shooting professionals who have worked earlier with international projects and who understand better needs of international crew.


Sky Exits Films can scout, plan for and do pre-production research for any type of production. It has an extensive digital location archive as well as a large print library. Location research and scouting is done by a number of bilingual Thailand location managers.

Sky Exits Films maintains good, on-going relationships with the various governments and police departments which issue shooting permits, including those for all historical sites and government buildings.
Any and all government benefits are passed on directly to our clients; Sky Exits can advise on areas offering tax based incentives and other local reward programs.

Film Crew :

We have done the time-consuming work for you to create Thailand resource focused on pre-production. Now you can find what you’re looking for quickly and easily from just one source. We have library of various locations and people if you require we can mail you to select the best match to you storyboard / script.

We are providing both Thai and foreign crews according to the requirement of your script.

Sky Exits Films offers the entire range of multilingual and highly specialized filmmaking professionals. From heads of departments through to legions of extras, Sky Exits can organize top quality support for producers shooting in Thailand or around Asia.

Sky Exits's crews are accustomed to working with foreigners, in the 'international' way, and are known for being adaptable, hard working and accommodating.

Producers Line Producers:
Direction Chief
Assistant Directors
Associate Directors
First Assistants / 1st AD Directors
Second Assistants / 2nd AD
Directors of Photography HD / High Def / High Definition
Directors of Photography / DP / Cinematographers
Script continuity
Floor Manager

Dialogue writers

Production dept.:

Production coordinator
Production Manager
Production Secretaries
Production Supervisors
Production Assistant
Book keeper
Location scouts
Location Manager
Transport coordinator
Financial Controller

Technicians Director of Photography
Camera Crew Clapper / Loader
Camera Crew First Assistants / 1st AC
Camera Crew Second Assistants / 2nd AC
Camera Crew Video Assistants / Cable / Utility
Camera Operators / Cameraman Cranes / Jibs
Camera Operators / Cameraman Film [400]
Camera Operators / Cameraman HD / High Def / High Definition
Camera Operators / Cameraman Steadicam
Camera Operators / Cameraman Underwater
Camera Operators / Cameraman Video

Gaffers Rigging
Generator Operators
Grips Grips Dolly
Grips KeyGrips Rigging

Focus puller/camera assistant:
Video assistant operator
Electrician/light assistant
Still photographer

Art Department :
Art Director
Set Dresser
Stage Managers
Prop Department
Graphic Designer
Construction Manager

Sound & SFX:
Special effects person
Stunt coordinator
Stunt man/woman
Sound Mixers / Recording
Special Effects Assistants
Boom operator
Audio Technicians
Composer background score

Costume designer,
Onset wardrobe,
Stylist… Make-Up
Hair Stylists
Make-Up Artists
Special makeup artist

Assistants Secretary
Animal handler
Office coordinator

Why Sky Exits Films :
The Most Awarded Production Companies in the world

Sky Exits Film Production House in Bangkok Thailand. We were no. 5 The Most Director Awarded in the world and no. 9 The Most Awarded Production Companies in the world in 1999 from Gunn Report from Shots. We are one of a leader production house for TV Commercial to support most of large and well-established advertising agencies both local and worldwide.

We are located at 2136/5-6 Ladprao Rd, Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 THAILAND.

Contact us: Tel no. + 66 2933 6470 / Fax no. + 66 2530 3666

E-mails us: , ,
(Juh Mobile Phone no. + 66 8 5070 1205)

Home Page
Blog :
Blog :

Friday, 20 April 2007

Asia Pacific AdFest Awards in Thailand

Bangkok, 6 March 2007 – For its 10th anniversary, the AdFest Working Committee has invited BBDO Asia, an Omnicom company, to host the Young Lotus Workshop at the Asia Pacific AdFest Awards in Thailand. Now in its fourth year, the objective of the Young Lotus is to develop fast rising creative talent from across the region by extending / challenging their creative skills and exposing them to senior advertising talent.Jimmy Lam, President of the AdFest Working Committee says, "The Young Lotus Workshop starts a fire in the belly of participants that keeps smouldering, until long after AdFest closes. Contestants are exposed to a wealth of experience and talent, learn the thrill of close competition and build relationships across the region that they will remember for the rest of their careers."This year BBDO Asia is launching an innovative approach to the Workshop. Its approach will see 30 young creatives from 15 different countries participating in the first reality-based workshop of its kind, ever. Over two full days, as the creative development for the workshop takes place, the participants will be recorded and taped, leaving no part of the process out. The 'reality' of creating inspired thought and growing each idea will then be observed and judged.Inspiring the talent at the Young Lotus Workshop will be Chris Thomas - Chairman & CEO BBDO Asia Pacific, Peter Souter - Deputy Chairman and CCO, AMV BBDO London, Suthisak Sucharittanonta - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Bangkok, David Guerrero - Chairman & CCO, BBDO Guerrero/Ortega and Simon Bond - Regional Director, Proximity Asia.The Young Lotus teams will be in action at AdFest 2007 in Pattaya and the results of the workshop will be screened so that delegates can experience first-hand the First Advertising Reality Show - Enter The Lotus.For more information on the Young Lotus Workshop, visit and click on the 'Enter The Lotus' box.For details on previous winners of and participants in Young Lotus Workshop, please visit and click on 'What Young Lotus are up to'.